Executive Chef, Savory Events
Central Coast, California -

Jorden Dolan is the dynamic executive chef and founder of Savory Events, an organic catering company started in 2015 on the Central Coast of California. She now travels across the country, bringing luxury clients unique dining experiences in destination locations.

Savory Events is known for their wide variety of colorful, flavorful and seasonal foods, presented with creativity and imagination. Chef Jorden sources the majority of their goods from local farms, growers and artisans in an effort to keep revenues within the community.

Growing up in Santa Cruz gave Chef Jorden the opportunity to develop a palate for the region’s broad variety of seafood, produce and artisanal products. She spent the early years of her career cooking around a variety of Santa Cruz restaurants.  Once her passion was fully realized, she attended the Culinary Center of Monterey for more formal training.

Her stops along the way to owning her own business include years of fine-tuning her craft at Pebble Beach Resorts.  Additionally, Chef Jorden participated in the prestigious Pebble Beach and Los Angeles Food & Wine Festivals for many years where she played a pivotal role as their culinary lead. She frequently works alongside other caterers and hospitality directors as a consultant.


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